Salt Partners SOLARSAL
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Optimise solar saltworks productivity and salt quality with SOLARSAL

Solar saltworks are the most efficient collectors of solar heat, converting environmental energy directly into marketable commodity - salt. SOLARSAL technology is employed for establishment of new or modernisation of existing solar saltworks.

When carrying out a solar salt production study, Salt Partners investigate and evaluate the conditions prevailing in the area and propose the work and equipment required to satisfy the demands of production capacity, productivity and quality, in line with highest international standards.

The SOLARSAL salt production technology features high salt purity of 99.7 to 99.8% NaCl, high yield of salt in the 95% range and mechanised, laser controlled harvesting. The SOLARSAL technology allows salt producers to emerge as major players in the domestic and international salt markets.

Send us an email using the contact form and request our preliminary proposal.